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Ventilator tester METRON QA-VTM Defibrillator Tester

Original price was: ₨ 686,900.00.Current price is: ₨ 639,800.00.


Refurbished Metron QA-VTM Ventilator Tester

Brightway Technologies support calibration and minor repair services of all discontinued test equipment from various manufactures. Electrical Safety Analyzers with/without Patient Simulators, Defibrillator Analyzers, Electrosurgical Analyzers, Infusion Pump Analyzers, Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Analyzers, Pressure Meters. Other Miscellaneous Equipment’s Respiratory Analyzers Ultrasound Meters, Pacemaker Analyzer. Incubator Analyzer, Pulse Oximeter Testers. Oscilliscopes & Scope Meters, Tee Transducer Leakage Current Tester. 
QA-VTM offers many Unique Features For verifying the performance of infant, parsiareic, and adult mechanical ventilators (breathing Machines). Unlike any other tester, QA-VTM makes it easy to add a test load (lung simula-tion) to the test system without corrupting the results.Ventilation tester including breath rate, inspiratory and expiratory timing, I.E., ratio, flow rates, tidal volume, and airway pressure can e checked. flow pressure, and volume measurements can also be independently made. For the purposes of trouble shouting or verifying operation, a trend test can be selected and performed. This test allows you turn a ventilator for up to 48 hours on the QA-VTM and record key ventilation measurements.For greater automation and enhanced viewing of the test data, you may want to utilize the Ansar QA-VTM test software. With ansure you can remotely control the unit, create and save unique test sequences for each brand or model of ventilator, perform automated tests, and print the results and/or store them to disk. Ansur also allows viewing of pressure, volume, and flow waveforms, which can be useful in diagnosing problems or validating a ventilators’ own on-screen display.


Product high lights
  • Unique Doppler measuring technology – patent pending
  • Independent Of Gas Agents used for Testing: O2, Air, N20 or Mixtures
  • Test high frequency Ventilators (Breath Rates from 0 to 600 BPM – 10 Hz)
  • Tests without optional test loads (Simulated Lungs
  • Simultaneous display of multiple parameters (e.g. rate, volume , flow , PEEP)
  • Test infant, pediatric, and adult ventilators
  • Trend testing – up to 48 hours (with ansur)
  • High accuracy and resolution
  • Simple to operate
  • Centronics printer interface /RS -232 computer interface
  • User – defined test protocols using ansur QA-VTM
  • Pressure, flow, and volume wave form using ansur QA-VTMK

Note: All Ansur Test Software Is Designed For Microsoft Windows Operating System Enjoinment


This unit is designed for “stand alone” operation or for remote control operation by ansur (windows TM application). “Stand alone” operation gives the following features:



Flow range: 0.1LPM To 160 LPM
Accuracy: 2% Of Reading
Pressure-High range: -50 to 500mmHg
Accuracy: 1% of reading +- 1 digit
Temperature: +10-50OC
Accuracy: +-1OC
Oxygen level: 0-100%
Accuracy: +-5% Of Reading


System Set-Up
Reference unit: BTPS, ATPX, STPD, ATPS, ATPD, NTPD
Pressure Unit: cmH2O, mbar, mmHg, kPa, psi
Flow unit: I/min, I/s, ml/s
Temperature Unit: C, F, K
Gas Mixture: Air, Air/O2, O2, O2/N2O
No. of Breaths for Calc: 1-20 no (s)
Noise Level 0-9996 ml/min
Detect Level: 0-9996 ml/min
Resistance Unit: cmH2O/l/s, mbar/l/s
Resistance Level: Non,5,20,50,200,500
Atmos. Pressure: 0-2000mmHg
Relative Humidity: 10-99%
Mass Flow: Yes/No
Supreme Pressure Peak Period: 10-100 ms

The Unit may be connected to a test lung for compliance setting.



Breath Rate: 0-600 bpm
Time accuracy: +-1/100 sec
I.E. Ratio: As calculated
Inspiration time: 0.01 to 60 sec
Expiration Time: 0.01 to 60 sec
Inspiration Hold: 0.01 to 20 sec
Expiration Hold: 0.01 to 20 sec
Continuous Pressure: -40 to 350 mmHg +-1% of reading
Mean Pressure: -40 to 350 mmHg +-1% of reading
Mean Inspiration Pressure: -40 to 350 mmHg +-1% of reading
Mean Expiration Time: -40 to 350 mmHg +-1% of reading
Peak Inspiration Pressure: -40 to 350 mmHg +-1% of reading
Continuous flow: 0-160LPM +-2% of Reading
Inspiratory peak flow: 0-160LPM +-2% of Reading
Expiratory peak flow; 0-160LPM +-2% of Reading
Tidal volume: 0-2200 ml +-2% of Reading
Minute volume: As calculated





Preset of test modes:
Ventilator Test: Simultaneous Reading -1 to 20 sample

Leakage Test Pressure Monitor Flow Monitor


File Operation: Save, Delete, Copy
Graphics: Cursor, focus, expand
Make And Run: Test Sequences, Checklists, Protocol formats
Preset of patient type: Adult/Infant
Preset of test modes: Normal Test/ Trend Test

(up to 48 Hours trend)



Temperature Requirements:

+15/59 to +35/95OC/f    While operating

0/32 to +50/122 OC/F     For Storage


Type:                                  LCD

Alphanumeric Format:   4 lines, 40 characters

Display control:                7 F-keys and keypad

Data Input/Outputs (2):

Parallel printer -port (1): Bi-Directional

25 pin, Type Centronics, RS-232C: (1)

For Remote Control

Power: From 100 VAC to 240 VAC, 47/63 Hz


Housing: Aluminum Case

Dimensions: DXWXH 270x 350×95 (mm) 11x 13.5 x 4 (in)

Weight: 3.5 kg/7.7 Ib


Standard Accessories:

QA-VTM User/ Service Manual

Recommended Printers:

HP Desk Jet, Cannon Bubble jet or compatible


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