Refurbished Ophthalmic A/B Scan Machine
B-scan ultrasonography, or B-scan, is a diagnostic test used in optometry and ophthalmology to produce a two-dimensional, cross-sectional view of the eye and the orbit.
The ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves that travel through the eye. Reflections (echoes) of the sound waves form a picture of the structure of the eye.
B scan utilizes sound waves that produce 2D images of the ocular structures. Sound waves are able to bypass dense pathology that may be obstructing a clear view into the eye. As the B scan is also able to visualize the orbit and eye muscles, your physician may order this test to rule out ocular inflammation. B scan additionally offers measurement tools assisting in calculating the size of choroidal nevi or freckles in the eye. The B scan technique is similar to a fetal ultrasound, only it is performed on the eye.

Probe case, B-probe 10 MHz, Standardized A-Scan, keyboard with trackball, footswitch, power cord, manual English.